Paragliding State of Origin
Easter 2016
This is an entry level competition aimed at the novice or intermediate XC pilot wishing to experience a competition in a safe and friendly atmosphere. This is not a thermaling course, it is assumed that the pilot is already thermaling. However, pilots with low XC hours will still gain valuable experience and insights into competition & XC flying.
The competition will be held over 3 days. Each day will be open distance and direction with pilots scoring on how many kilometres they fly in a straight line from take off to landing. Handicapping is then used to give the day score.
Pilots will form coaching Crews of 5, made up of a minimum of one advanced pilot and 2 novice pilots.
Re-flies are allowed after bomb out. Only one flight can be counted per day. The maximum distance flown in one flight will be deem to be the scoring flight. This is not a GPS competition. GPS’s will not be required equipment.
The Competition is open to all current financial members of the HGFA with over three hours XC experience outside of their Licence course ( it is recommended that pilot with 3 to 10 hour XC time complete a Thermaling course before this competition.
A reserve parachute is a requirement, as is a working UHF radio.
The competition fee is $20.00 but free if registered 14 days before the easter, prizes, Trophies, Hill transport & HQ Hall are funded through sponsorship and donations.
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